Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Make Biger My Peanuse

Everything is different!

So you love,
it's done! :-) I present herewith

my new blog address, because the old me was all too chaotic.

Everything is explained there next to you, I'm a bit divided in topics, but there will definitely be a good view. It is also further updated, so I'm looking forward to any tips! :) Best wishes


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shaving Underwear Model

New Blog Articles customer acquisition

for my blog new customers I've written an article about the interplay between Google Places-entry, and company website posted.

Click here for the article >>>

Bites All Over Dogs Stomach

Everything will be different!

... that is even better. I'm just tinkering on, let's see what happens. This will change a lot.
And if their ideas for a "blog name" have (Ie for the browser address) - just tell me, because everything I try already exists. : /

Anyway, if you have any requests or ideas!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mature South Park Yaoi

goes step by step forward - an inventory of my company

I have maintained in recent weeks with several companies. Some of them are self-employed already for many years. From all I got the indication that a slow but steady development of a company is important. And I'm straight. Slowly but surely!

With this blog article, I will make an inventory. Not only for me but for all who read this article. For I think that may be of interest my experience and results to others.

I have over the past half year, found the first company to trust me. I can do jobs, am currently in the implementation of a larger contract (redesign of a website) and have some orders on hold. In all of these contracts, however, the interpersonal component is the most important. Trust and relationship - these are the factors that bring growth and security.

Yesterday I was the first time in Bergsträßer business forum here. This forum is an open network for all operators in the region. It was a very open and cordial atmosphere. I was immediately integrated into the circuitry. And everyone there can collaborate to his abilities and preferences accordingly. Such a group of like-minded people I have wished for a long time. I can contribute my thoughts about the show put on the Internet.

also design my own corporate identity on the Internet I always comprehensive. My blog about new customers for SMEs I fill gradually with important information. In this blog I describe basics applications and how companies can use the Internet to acquire customers. On my website I present to and after my services. The offering ranges from consultancy on the entry service to the creation of Web pages. For the free offer of a check of web pages I opened the page Site Check . Many operators of websites have pages that look to the human eye, very nice. But inside they are working poor. There are no keywords and descriptions. And then wonder why their business, these pages are not found. A review does these things to light.

To my company better known I have also taken various measures. The main one is the companies listing in Google Places. With an optimized input and well-researched categories in my firm get the search results of web search far forward. This re-user the opportunity to learn about my company. You can also use the advertised special offers and coupons. I also use Twitter and Facebook to connect with other people to engage in conversation or to stay. Here, in social media, however, is more a personal priority. Here is it to get to know you and trust. And only secondarily to the business. With Facebook, the person and business areas are even quite separate. That is why my company page Facebook is not yet well developed.

I am delighted if my company designed by and by. If I can come up with more and more interesting people in contact. And if I can help other entrepreneurs achieve their goals.